Looking for things to do by yourself or maybe with your family at home during this time?
Click here for an article from Boston Children’s Hospital on what to do together while schools are shut down with Covid 19.  Maybe even try things off this list from other articles as well!

  1. Make an obstacle course
  2. Word searches
  3. Text all the people in your phone you haven’t talked to in at least a year
  4. Learn a new language through apps like Duolingo
  5. Look at pictures of puppies
  6. Write letters and mail them to your friends and family
  7. Play board games by their actual assigned rules
  8. Unsubscribe from all those coupon emails you keep getting
  9. Watch your favorite movies and host your own awards show for the best
  10. Draw a self portrait
  11. Learn how to braid
  12. Pick one food (maybe Cheez-its?) and make a meal around it
  13. Buy gift cards to your favorite local businesses
  14. Go on a scavenger hunt inside or around your neighborhood
  15. Dye your hair a fun color. Temporary dye will come out before you go back to work!
  16. Build your favorite buildings out of Legos
  17. Learn about and celebrate holidays from other countries
  18. Try beatboxing
  19. Build a blanket fort
  20. Read a new book
  21. Color!
  22. Do a puzzle with a lot of pieces
  23. Change out of your pajamas
  24. Learn yoga
  25. Bake bread from scratch
  26. Plant a porch garden
  27. Make flower arrangements (flowers can be fake)
  28. Go outside!
  29. Make and decorate cookies
  30. Have a dance party by yourself, it’s more fun than you think
  31. Learn how to play an instrument
  32. Call your mom, grandma, uncle, cousin
  33. Have a fashion show
  34. Work out
  35. Gift wrap random things in your house
  36. Knit something